Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's that Orrockabama doin' on the t.v pappa?

Well you know it is an over-hyped election year when a three-year-old can spot out and name one of the canidates. And when your seven year old confuses their aunt for the same cantidate.

So what do you think? Skyler thinks they look alike, might need to get him some glasses.

So are the rest of you guys tired of the election shinanagins yet?


RondaJo said...

Yeah, I'd say he might need some glasses....I'm pretty sure I don't look like Obama.

Becky said...

You know, my grandson sure is cute.

MarciaAnne said...

Which grandson are you referring to mom? I don't know, but i may side with Skyler on this one, there are some resemblances. both have two eyes, a nose a mouth that likes to talk...

Becky said...

All of my grandsons are very handsome and cute at the same time. But, I am just getting started with election decisions, I really want to know what they are saying since each day there seems to be something new to hear and I find it all fasinating. I must be getting old if I have the time to listen to it all. Mostly I get my information from talk radio. I don't always agree with what is said, but it gets me to thinking.